This template facilitates the conversion of geographic coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds to UTM coordinates. How to enter the data. The data must be processed in an excel sheet, in such a way that they come in the required format. If converting to UTM, the column ToUtmZone is supported. The column is optional. The allowed values are the numbers 1 to 60. By default, coordinates are converted to the UTM zone in which they lie. However, if ToUtmZone is specified, then the coordinates are be converted to the that zone. Example of a spreadsheet to be converted. Jan 26, 2016 To convert from decimal to DMS: you first need to strip the decimal portion away to be left with the degrees. I use the INT function for this because it rounds the number down to the closest integer. The formula looks like this: =INT(B2) 2. To calculate the minutes, you need the decimal part of the original number times 60. Online UTM to Latitude Longitude converter. If you have a csv list (or file) where the sequence of the input coordinates are in wrong order - open the csv list (or file) in a spreadsheet - move the columns with the coordinates to the right position according the required sequence - save the spreadsheet as a new csv file - open the csv file in a simple text editor - copy and paste the.

See also to convert coordinates backwards:Convert Geographic to UTM coordinates
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
UTM is conformal projection uses a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to give locations on the surface of the Earth. It is a horizontal position representation, i.e. it is used to identify locations on the Earth independently of vertical position, but differs from the traditional method of latitude and longitude in several respects.
The UTM system is not a single map projection. The system instead divides the Earth into sixty zones, each a six-degree band of longitude, and uses a secant transverse Mercator projection in each zone.
Grid zone
The combination of a zone and a latitude band defines a grid zone. The zone is always written first, followed by the latitude band.
The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each 6° of longitude in width.
Latitude band
Each zone is segmented into 20 latitude bands. Each latitude band is 8° high, and is lettered from 'C' to 'X', omitting the letters 'I' and 'O'.
Grid zone exceptions
On the southwest coast of Norway, grid zone 32V (9° of longitude in width) is extended further west, and grid zone 31V (3° of longitude in width) is correspondingly shrunk to cover only open water.
In the region around Svalbard, the four grid zones 31X (9° of longitude in width), 33X (12° of longitude in width), 35X (12° of longitude in width), and 37X (9° of longitude in width) are extended to cover what would otherwise have been covered by the seven grid zones 31X to 37X.
All exceptions are considered.
Datum (ellipsoid)
Ellipsoids describe the shape of the earth used to calculate the UTM grid. Available ellipsoids:
- Airy
- Australian National
- Bessel 1841
- Bessel 1841 Nambia
- Clarke 1866
- Clarke 1880
- Everest 1830 India
- Everest 1830 Malaysia
- Everest 1956 India
- Everest 1964 Malaysia and Singapore
- Everest 1969 Malaysia
- Everest Pakistan
- Fischer 1960 Mercury
- Fischer 1968
- GRS 1967
- GRS 1980
- Helmert 1906
- Hough
- Indonesian 1974
- International
- Krassovsky
- Modified Airy
- Modified Everest
- Modified Fischer 1960
- South American 1969
- WGS 60
- WGS 66
- WGS 72
- WGS 84
- DD
- Decimal degrees
- Degrees decimal minutes
- Degrees-minutes-seconds
- Global Area Reference System
- World Geographic Reference System
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- United States National Grid
- Military Grid Reference System
This page uses materials from the Wikipedia:Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system
A few years ago I found myself just south of Paris, France one Sunday with a car and the inclination to do some sight-seeing. Since I was alone and don’t speak French my saving grace was Google Earth and a Tom Tom GPS navigation device.
Tom Tom allows GPS coordinates to be entered as a destination, but Google Earth lists those coordinates in a different format. In researching this article I found out that GPS coordinates can be presented in at least four different formats, making it difficult to understand the coordinates.
Google Maps view of the Eiffel Tower
Click the x to remove the Address box and show the interactive Google Map.
View Larger Map

Use Excel to Convert GPS Coordinates for Tom Tom
One of my destinations was to see the Eiffel Tower and Google Earth shows the GPS coordinates to be 48 degrees 51 minutes 32.64 seconds North and 2 degrees 17 minutes 34.90 seconds East. (Coordinate formatting shown as 48° 51′ 29.69″ N 2° 17′ 38.02″ E in Google Earth while holding the mouse over a position on the map.)
However the Tom Tom GPS device wanted coordinate input in degrees only, where minutes and seconds represent the fractional part. So I created a quick spreadsheet to do the conversion. (Click the picture to download the .xls file.)
To convert from Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to a Tom Tom degree format, the math is:
This allowed me to enter GPS coordinates directly into the Tom Tom GPS device. Since I wasn’t familiar with the street names or the numbering system for locating addresses on the Tom Tom, this was much faster than trying to find the correct address in the Tom Tom street directory. The Tom Tom GPS was a loner from an associate so that was another factor in my decision to use GPS coordinates.
Note: Tom Tom allows different formats for GPS coordinates, this example just mirrored settings for the GPS I was using at the time.
Decimal Degree Converter Calculator
Use Excel to Convert GPS Coordinates for Garmin
When I got back home to the USA and tried this with my Garmin it didn’t work because the required format for GPS coordinates was different. My Garmin GPS device wanted Degrees and Minutes only, with seconds being the fractional part of minutes. That formula is different because it requires some concatenation with an empty space between degrees and minutes.
Degrees & ” ” & Minutes+Seconds/60
So my Excel spreadsheet helped me convert numerous GPS coordinates for my trip to Paris.

Degrees To Utm Converter
Note: If you’re wondering about the North and East designations, click this link to see how to read GPS coordinates.
Convert GPS Coordinates with Excel
Here’s an interactive worksheet that you can use to figure out some GPS coordinates for yourself.
To download the worksheet using this link.
Utm To Decimal Degrees Converter Excel
Cross-posted at